Friday, May 31, 2019
Hybrid Cars: The Slow Drive To Energy Security Essay -- Gasoline Elect
Hybrid Cars The Slow Drive to Energy SecurityThe markization car commercialise is slowly ramping up. In the past five years the reckon of cross sales in the U.S. grew tenfold from 9,500 in 2000 to 100,000 in 2004. By the end of 2005, the number of hybrid cars on American roads will grow to 300,000, represented by about seven or eight hybrid models, including the two-door Honda Insight, which will meet sales of about 2,000 in 2005. The increasing sales numbers are encouraging, but must be viewed in the context of the overall car market. The 100,000 hybrid car sales in 2004 represent about one-half of one percent of the 17 jillion new cars sold this year. If every new hybrid driver effectively (and optimistically) doubled fuel economy from 20 mpg to 40 mpg for 40 miles of daily driving, then a gallon per hybrid car would be saved every single day. Thats a whopping 100,000 gallons per day chalked up to hybrid car drivers. But, weve only reduced our daily U.S. consumption from 360 million gallons to 359,900,000 gallons. market place forecasters predict a continued annual doubling of hybrid car sales for the next few years. We could reach the major milestone of one million hybrid cars on American roads somewhere in the 2007 or 2008 timeframe. Again, this is cause for celebration, until you consider that there are approximately 200 million cars in America todayand over 700 million vehicles worldwide. If car numbers keep increasing at the present rate, there will be more than a billion cars and trucks on the road across the world in 20 years. Vehicles are now driven two trillion miles each year in the U.S., and there are more cars than adults. Nevertheless, with the proven success of the Toyota Prius, which won every possible accolade... ...nsumers of hybrid cars have demonstrated, with their pocketbooks, their commitment to reducing oil dependency. In merchandise lingo, they are considered influencers the segment which is more educated, more affluent, and older and which shapes the buying decisions of the rest of America. Hybrid owners sit behind the wheel of their hybrid everyday, and wonder what more they could do. Unfortunately, hybrid drivers and alternative energy supporters are now splintered and their efforts are diffuse. In order to put enough pressure on the automakers to stop resisting the change that must come, is stressful to galvanize hybrid drivers and develop partnerships with advocacy groups to develop the most effective strategies for promoting greater fuel efficiency in our cars and trucks. The environment, the economy, and our national security hang in the balance.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Poes Fall of The House of Usher Essays: A Perspective :: Fall House Usher Essays
The Fall of The House of Usher      The Fall of The House of Usher is an eerie, imaginative story. The ref is captured by the twisted reality. Many things in the story are unclear to the reader but no less interesting. For instance, even the conclusion of the story lends it self-importance to argument. Did the house of Usher truly fall? Or, is this event simply symbolism? In either case, it makes a dramatic conclusion. Also dramatic is the development of the certain house. It seems to take on a life of its own. The house is painted with mystery. The narrator himself comments on the discerning properties of the aged house What was it, I paused to think, what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the house of Usher (54)? The house is further developed in the narrators references to the house. ...In this mansion of gloom (55). Even the surrounds serve the purpose. The narrator describes the landscape surrounding as having, ... an atmosphere which had no affinity with the air of heaven, but which had reeked up from the decayed trees, and the gray wall, and the silent tarn a pestilent and mystic vapor, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and arduous hued (55). This fantastic imagery sets the mood of the twisted events. Roderick Usher complements the forbidding surroundings terrifically. His temperament is declining and he seems incessantly agitated and nervous. And, as it turns out, Rodericks fears are valid. For soon enough, originally his weakening eyes, stands the Lady Madeline of Usher. This shocking twist in the story is developed through the book that the narrator is reading. The last line that he reads is, Madman I tell you that she now stands without the door (66) Without suspecting such an event, the reader soon finds Lady Madeline actually standing at the door. She is described as having, ...blood on her white robes, and the narrate of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame (66). This line not o nly induces terror but invites debate. Upon seeing the woman the reader has to consider the cause of her death.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Freedom of Speech and Expression - Little Freedom in a Complex World
Little Freedom of Expression Freedom of expression, like the air we breathe, is a luxury that most stack in western civilization take for granted. I know I certainly took it for granted when I was in the twelfth chassis, and that presumption almost got me expelled. In Cornwall, Ontario this last December the idea of bleakdom of speech did more than get a young man expelled. He was forced to spend the better fibre of a month, including Christmas, New Years Eve, and his sixteenth birthday in jail. Finally there is the cocktail dress of the former mayor of Mukingo in Ruhengeri Prefecture, Juvenal Kejelijeli, who is desperately fighting deportation to face up charges for his freedom of expression, which helped ignite genocide in Rwanda. Free speech and freedom of expression must be protected, but the speakers and writers must also take state for their actions. During the twelfth grade my belief in freedom of expression was put to the test. When I was given an assignment to write a short horizontal surface for my grade twelve creative writing class on any subject I wanted I made the mistake of doing what I was told. It was, admittedly, a impress story, filled with vengeful death, anti-religious sentiment and gross sexual abuse written by a confused young man. However, none of the characters had any basis in reality, and none of the violence could be associated with any specific people or institutions. This was purely a work of fiction and it almost got me kicked out of private enlighten in England. Not only was I afraid of the reaction I was going to get from my father, but it also shook the very foundations of my beliefs in free speech and freedom of expression. A work of fiction, regardless of the content, is still just a work of fiction ... ...ther number of oppressed countries. Therefore these freedoms must be utilized with a certain degree of caution and responsibility. Once we start censoring it becomes difficult to decide when and where to draw th e line. When the responsible use of these freedoms comes into question, we as a society are called upon to decide what constitutes responsible freedom of expression, and what punishments are merited when the lines are crossed. If the judge and jury react too harshly, as in the case of the Avonmore student, they themselves become guilty of a crime far more severe than alleged threats seemingly found in a work of fiction. However had the story included names of current students, or had it been a call to other bullied students to carry out the grim plot, then punishment would be in order. In the mean time lets nourish creativity and be alert for cries for help.
Odyssey :: essays research papers
In todays eclectic society, everybodys heroes be different. However, during the era Homers The Odyssey was created all heroes had same characteristics Heroes were the people who saved people, they were courageous wise and had fighting spirit Odysseus, the main character in Homers epic poem was canny brave and a great strategist Although he has these strengths, he has some negative qualities, but most of his do-or-die(a) qualities still hold true today. Odysseus possesses heroic qualities, such as bravery, wisdom, a strategic thinking and honorable Most of the story in The Odyssey is told by Odysseus, so we can say from his narration that he is eloquent Book 9 shows Odysseus positive and negative qualities When he escapes from Cyclops cave he showed that he was brave and a great strategist When he poked Cyclops eye with pike of olive, he decided not to kill him because if he killed Cyclops, he would not be able to get out of the cave. This also shows he was wise and able to think about the situation before doing anything Another example that shows that he is brave that he went to the Hades, which was a feared by many. By his eloquence and cleverness Odysseus could get Nausicaa to assist him, and his devotion to his wife makes him so able He showed sensitivity when he met his mother and when he heard the phone call of the Trojan War. However, Odysseus qualities are not considered heroic today are his impulsiveness, arrogance, and curiosity He struggle with these points Odysseus went to Cyclops cave because he was curious but didnt think what may happen next When Odysseus was able to escape from Cyclops cave, he yelled to Cyclops identifying himself because of his pride That made Cyclops so hazardous that he prayed to his father Poseidon to destroy Odysseus The result of that is Odysseus companions all died before Odysseus could return home. If he didnt reveal his name to Cyclops, maybe his companions wouldnt died. Even though he has negative characteristic s it shows Odysseus is just a human He is not a god or a perfect man.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
It is Important to have Knowledge of History Essay -- Patricia Nelson
It is Important to have Knowledge of HistoryThough the previous(prenominal) may bring a revival and restoration of the misery(Limerick 473), I believe it is necessary to know and study our past. Through this essay I shall relieve how familiarity of the past helps emend the quality of future output, satisfy our human thirst for knowledge, and understand certain polices and regulations.Even in our e trulyday life we post see how past knowledge helps to alter the futures outcome. Whether it is improvement of policies, electronics or automobiles improvement is al demeanors occurring. The computer is one such item which has come a spacious way. It would taking up entire rooms, run very slowly, and create tremendous amounts of heat. As improvement began they became smaller, faster and more energy efficient. Today they are very small, and run at tremendously high speeds while producing very little heat. Each improvement in the computers narration could not have been made without kn owledge of its predecessors blueprints. Without this knowledge improvement would be impossible, always building the same exact computers with the same problems and never realizing it could have been built in a different way perhaps with better materials or a different more efficient computer language. In the same way as knowledge of the past helps to improve computers, it also improves the quality of life for mankind. Knowledge of our past helps us to see how humans react and deal with situations. this allows us to take preventative measures. There was a time when mankind was always at war with each other. Everyone was fighting to take each others land, food, and technology. Since then the United Nations have been created to prevent such types of blunt wars and now there are police which enforce the law and a government in which power lies in the people. There have been many badness times for humans in all parts of the world throughout history. There have been big and small wars w ith huge death tolls, small battles, famines, depressions, thrall and countless others events which could have been prevented if we had known what the outcome would be. Just as a person learns from their mistakes, knowledge of our history helps us to learn from our mistakes giving us taste into the future. Many events that have happened in our past no longer plague the world today. Slavery used to be prevalent ... ...n that long that blacks have been adapted to educate themselves without the obstacle of segregation or harassment, though the lack of money still remains amongst many blacks. When faced with this knowledge of the black Ameri butts past Caucasians can come to see how opportunities they have always had and maybe taken for granted were never given to Blacks. This allows acceptance of such biased policies such as approbatory action. In the past wars would have started over such a policy, but history helps us to understand there reasons for being and allow them.Though o ur history may bring back horrible memories of the ?grimmest dimensions of human nature? (Limerick 472), it is necessary to have a good historical background. History gives us the ability to improve future outputs, satisfy our unending need for knowledge, and understand how many policies and regulations have come to be. Without history mankind would be very primitive and ununified. Our complete modelling of the world today is almost completely dependent on the fact that we study our history. Without history present day humans would be nothing more than cavemen. Source CitedPatricia Nelson Limerick, Haunted America.
It is Important to have Knowledge of History Essay -- Patricia Nelson
It is Important to have K todayledge of HistoryThough the past whitethorn bring a revival and restoration of the misery(Limerick 473), I believe it is necessary to know and study our past. Through this essay I shall explain how intimacy of the past helps improve the quality of incoming output, satisfy our human thirst for acquaintance, and understand certain polices and regulations.Even in our everyday life we can opine how past knowledge helps to improve the futures out gravel. Whether it is improvement of policies, electronics or automobiles improvement is always occurring. The computer is one such item which has come a long way. It would taking up entire rooms, sacking very slowly, and create tremendous amounts of heat. As improvement began they became smaller, faster and more energy efficient. Today they are very small, and run at tremendously high speeds while producing very little heat. Each improvement in the computers history could not have been made without knowledge o f its predecessors blueprints. Without this knowledge improvement would be impossible, always building the same exact computers with the same problems and never realizing it could have been built in a different way whitethornhap with better materials or a different more efficient computer language. In the same way as knowledge of the past helps to improve computers, it alike improves the quality of life for mankind. Knowledge of our past helps us to see how humans react and deal with situations. this allows us to take preventative measures. There was a eon when mankind was always at war with each other. Everyone was fighting to take each others land, food, and technology. Since then the United Nations have been created to prevent such types of pointless wars and now there are police which enforce the law and a government in which power lies in the people. There have been many bad clock for humans in all parts of the instauration throughout history. There have been big and small wars with huge death tolls, small battles, famines, depressions, slavery and unfathomable others events which could have been prevented if we had known what the outcome would be. Just as a person learns from their mistakes, knowledge of our history helps us to learn from our mistakes giving us insight into the future. legion(predicate) events that have happened in our past no longer plague the world today. Slavery used to be prevalent ... ...n that long that blacks have been able to check themselves without the obstacle of segregation or harassment, though the lack of money still remains amongst many blacks. When faced with this knowledge of the black Americans past Caucasians can come to see how opportunities they have always had and maybe taken for granted were never given to Blacks. This allows acceptance of such biased policies such as affirmative action. In the past wars would have started over such a policy, but history helps us to understand there reasons for being and al low them.Though our history may bring back horrible memories of the ?grimmest dimensions of human nature? (Limerick 472), it is necessary to have a good historical background. History gives us the ability to improve future outputs, satisfy our unending need for knowledge, and understand how many policies and regulations have come to be. Without history mankind would be very primitive and ununified. Our complete molding of the world today is almost completely dependent on the fact that we study our history. Without history present day humans would be nothing more than cavemen. denotation CitedPatricia Nelson Limerick, Haunted America.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Resolve Conflicts
RESOLVING CONFLICT The conflict resolution requires great portion outrial skills. Here we are trying to give a solution to a conflict turning it in a constructive side. If one party exercises the principles of interaction, listens, and us the six steps of collaborative resolution, that party may be able to end the conflict constructively. At the very least, he or she may be able to prevent the conflict from turning into a fight by choosing an alternative to destructive interaction? There is a difference between resolving power a conflict and managing conflict.Resolving a conflict ends the difference by satisfying the interests of both parties. Managing a conflict contains specialized interaction that prevents a dispute from enough a destructive battle. Managing a conflict attends to the personal issues so as to allow for a constructive relationship, even though the objective issues may non be resolvable. For example, the former Soviet Union and the United States managed their c onflict during the Cold War by using a variety of mechanisms. The objective issues in the dispute were not resolved, and neither were the personal issues, which contained significant perceptual differences.However, both sides attended significantly to the relationship to keep the disagreement from turning into a destructive battle. Our remainder in conflict always should be to seek a resolution based on mutual gain. Realistically, however, resolution is not always possible. When this is the case, we must manage the conflict to ensure that the relationship is constructive and that open communication is put forwarded. We Listen to Conflict to understand the other party and demonstrate the acceptance required to maintain the relationship
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Last poem Essay
Dogen was greatly surprised by the fact that making a strong express on the sphere of koan Chinese masters did not teach their disciples Buddhist sutras, which made the core study in Buddhist monasteries in Japan (Tanahashi, 5). Dogens discontent with the style of article of faith became even a reason of his refusal to take Dharma transmission from one of the masters. In 1225 Dogen decided to leave Rinzai school of Chan Buddhism and started his journey in order to visit Ru-jing, whose style of Zen teaching differed from ones which disenchanted Dogen.Ru-jing was the thirteenth patriarch of Soto lineage of Zen Buddhism. During that time he lived at Tiantong Mountain in Nongbo. Soto school, presented by Ru-jing made an artistic style on sitting meditation, or zazen. In general it used much softer methods than Rinzai School did. Studying Zen with Ru-jing Dogen has finally reached information of mind and body. The legends state that he finally reached liberation after hearing the Mas ters words Cast of body and mind (Tanahashi). These words became oddly meaningful for Dogen and he later used them in many his writings.As he states in one of his works To study the Way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be enlightened by all things of the universe. To be enlightened by all things of the universe is to cast tally the body and mind of the self as well as those of others. Even the traces of enlightenment are wiped out, and life with traceless enlightenment goes on forever and ever (Kim, 195). In 1227 Dogen received Dharma transmission from Ru-jing and finally admitted that he has reached the answer for the question of all his life.Dogen was greatly influenced by his teacher Ru-jing. All Dogens religious philosophy is tag by two major tendencies. The first peculiarity of all Dogens teaching is his attachment to Buddhism tradition and second one is a strong accent on individual search. These tendencies can be trace d not only in Dogenss books but also in his life style. Dogen did not reject traditional Buddhism. He only wanted people to give critical evaluation of its doctrines and principles. Dogen criticized competition among different schools of Zen because they were tiring Buddhism to pieces.He proclaimed identity of faith and believed it could possess been found in Soto Zen. He did not even want to apply the name Zen for his sect and did his best to follow his teachers lifestyle living without attachment to anything. In 1228, after reaching enlightenment, Dogen returned to Japan. He came back to ti Kennin-ji, a monastery where he spent several years learning from Eisai and his successors. aft(prenominal) coming back he wrote a detailed description of sitting mediation called Zazen. The manual was called Fukan Zazengi, which can be translated as Universally Recommended Instruction for Zazen. His teaching appealed to many people and he gathered a lot of adherents around himself. After so me time he had to leave Kennin-ji because of tension, which arouse inside the Tendai community. This tensions with caused by the desire of Buddhist leaders to suppress new forms of Buddhism, including Zen. Dogen left Kinnin-ji synagogue in 1230 and moved to empty temple situated to the south from Kyoto in the come out of the closet called Uji (Tanahashi , 40). Dogen founded small temple in this place and soon this temple grew into Kosho-Hirniji Temple.The tension between Dogen and Tangai community did not stop, though. That is one of the reasons Dogen gladly accepted Hatano Yoshishiges advise to relocate to Echizen province, located far from Kyoto. After relocation Dogens disciples built a new center for Zen practice and called it Daibutsuji Temple. Dogen later renamed this center to Eihei-ji. This temple remains one of the most popular Zen temples in modern Japan. Dogen spent all his further life living and teaching in this temple. Shogun trustee Hojo Tokiyori invited Dogen to come and teach him Zen in 1247.Dogen accepted this invitation and made a long journey to Kamakura in order to meet Shogun and retuned to Eihei-ji the next year. In 1252 Dogen became gravely ill and after realizing that he was not going to recover he gave his robes to his favorite disciple Koun Ejo. This way Koun Ejo became Abbot of Eihei-ji. After appointing Koun Ejo an abbot Dogen left for Kyoto looking for remedies from his illness. The remedy was not found and Dogen died in 1953. Soon before death he wrote his last poem.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Infancy & Early Childhood Development Paper Essay
infancy as well as early sisterhood is the real the foundation of what we will be nonplus as an adult. Children are like sponges and will absorbs a much in fleshation that you will provide them existence through reputation or nurture. Parents and guardians are inbred key players in making sure a barbarian is not only psysically healthy, but is given all essential using tools to succeed in life. They mien we interact with youngsterren when they are young as a family unit is very important and influencial that will affect on how they develop. Therefore, its crutial that we as put ups realize that there is no right or wrong way of raising a child, however, we need to understand what a resilient and important role we play in a childs life. How families affect the development of infants and young childrenWhen a child is born into this world is only requirement is being loved, staying clean and healthy. Families play a huge role in a childs development from the moment it enters into this world. As soon as infants come into this world they experience two categories of developmental changes the two categories are experienced-dependent and experience-expectant. Early puerility experience is in two categories experience-dependent (cultural-bound) and experience-expectant (universal) that aid in brain maturement (Berger, 2008). Experience-expentact is when you involve the nervous system and the brain will develop a certain way where normal cognition is dependent on environmental exposure. In experience-dependent is when a childs development and cognition reponse is from new experience that he or she will experience throughout their lifetime. A young childs brain growth is depenet of both of these two categories in order to develop a healthy cognitive and emotional psychological development.Infants progress and sensorimotor intelligence carry out is formed by knowledge and experienmentation. All children at a young age depending on their age level love to to uch, feel, and adventurer everything around them. That is why parents and guardians will assist in teach their child through objects and reflecting what the object may be called or do. This is how family members are influence in a child language development. According to Berger (2008), by one an infant can speak about two words, and by the age oftwo languages explodes, and at the toddler ages a child capable of speaking in short sentences. Parenting SytlesParenting styles differ in every family individualy because of their heritage, religion, environment. However, there are three different styles and use by parents they are authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. The authoritarian parent will control the childs environment and evaluate every behavior the child makes with standard rules. If the child does not put up by the rules of the house they will recived some form of punishment. According to Baumrind (1991), these parents are status and obedience oriented, and expect rule s to be followed without explanation. For some may thinks this an unfair way of bringing up a child, but for some individuals this just a normal way of pareting.An authoritative parent will throw off some form of house hold rules but will be a bittie more democratic and open minded. They are nurturing and will listen to a childs necessitate and wants and explore option outside the rules and may make an exception. Discipline with the authoritative parent is more supportive than punitive, as the parent wants the child to be assertive, kindly responsible, self-regulating, and cooperative (Baumrind, 1991).The final parenting stule is permissive which very flexible way of bring up a child. They will consult with the child and make very little demand on the child. This style of parenting will not impact or alter the child, however is more a psychology control. The ultimate goal for the parent is to manipulate the child in your desire results without showing any power or authority.Earl y Childhood Education and Cognitive DevelopmentA childs cognitive development is highly dependent on intellectual and social stimulation.Early childhood education is typically the first instance in which a child is exposed to a witnessingatmosphere that is socially stimulating as well as intellectually stimulating. Whether a child is playing with other classmates during recess or practicing the alphabet, he or she is developing ona cognitive level. Young children often playpretend activities such as playing house or cooking Infancy and Childhood Development typography 5without any real food (mud, grass, etc.) These young children are using symbolism to applytheir pretend activities to situations that they have witnessed in real life. This process of usinginference to create symbolic activities is just one example of how early childhood education caninfluence a young childs cognitive development.Children also nonplus more aware of the reactions of others while in an educationalatm osphere. In an educational atmosphere children work closely together when learning newsubjects in the classroom.Most early childhood education programs are heavily interactive andinvolve the communication and collaboration of all students within the classroom. This aspect of early childhood education helps the child develop social skills and also influences the ability torecognize the emotions and reactions of fellow classmates. As a result, the child should convey toacknowledge socially acceptable behaviors versus socially unacceptable behaviors (Seifert,2004).Another important aspect of early childhood education is the distinct differences thatexist between the childs home environments versus his or her school environment. A childs parents may be uninvolved, but when they begin early childhood education, the child is exposedto a completely different environment that he or she may not be accustomed to.The child maynot have had the opportunity to develop properly within his or her home environment, but theeducational environment gives the child a chance to grow and develop cognitively and sociallyConclusionThe development of an infant and young child can be quite complex. Every child is borninto a distinct atmosphere and the child must then learn to adjust and adapt to this atmosphere.Some children may be at a disadvantage because of a lack of involvement and attention from Infancy and Childhood Development Paper 6 parents or caregivers.Every parent has his or her own parenting style, which can have asubstantial and lasting impression on the childs development. As the child begins pre-school or kindergarten, he or she must once again learn to adapt to a new environment apart from their home lives. Within the educational atmosphere children continue to develop socially andcognitively as they begin to interact with classmates and peers on a regular basis. No twochildren develop in the same way. vary parenting styles, family values, home environments,and educat ional environments canhave an influence on how a child grows and develops betweeninfancy and early childhood.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Employment Laws Chart Essay
Prevents discrimination of the hiring, compensation, conditions, and privileges of employment by basing them on on race, religion, color, sex, or nationality Heart of Atlanta Motel INC., v. United Statesensures every person is fit chance of getting hired based on their qualifications regardless of, sex race, color, religion, or national origin employers are required to post signs with the Title septette contents in company break-rooms able Employment Opportunity ActPrevents employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of age, race, sex, creed, religion, color, or national origin McDonnell DouglasCorp. v. GreenEnsures that the obliging Rights Act is being followed and returns power to the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission Companies adopted practices that prevented discrimination in compliance with Equal Opportunity Employment Act.Equal Pay Actmandates that men and women working in the same role within a company be given couple pay for equal work Schultz v. W heaton Glass Co. 1970Mandates that everyone is paid the equal wages for identical jobs regardless of their sex Merit based, knowledge based, and experience are criteria for pay rate rather than genderAge Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967Protects employees ages 40 to 65 from discriminationGomez v. PotterThe splendor of the ADEA is that it protects the older employees from discrimination. Wal-Mart for example hires older population specifically for the use as door greetersAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990Prohibits discrimination against an essentially qualified individual, and requires companies to accommodate individuals reasonably Tennessee v. Lane in 2004The importance of this act is that it requires companies to shake reasonable accommodations for disabled employees so they forget be able to perform their job Companies accommodate employees with disabilities by using TTD, speaking technology, and elevatorsCivil Rights Act of 1991The updated adaptation of this ac t nullified select supreme Court decisions and reinstates burden of proof by employer and allows for punitive and compensatory damages through jury trials Wards Cove Packing Co. v. AtonioFamily and Medical supply Act (FMLA) of 1993Permits employees in organizations of 50 or more workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for circumstances outlined in the actThe importance of this act is that it makes it easier to balance family, work and other obligations without fearing losing their jobs If you have a child, adopt a child, or if you yourself become dark or have a sick parent, child, or spouse you may be eligible to take unpaid time off to be with them without the job loss.Privacy Act of 1974protects certain federal government records pertaining to individuals. In particular, the Act covers systems of records that an agency maintains and retrieves by an individuals name or other personal identifierIndividuals have the right to look at their employee file to make sure that inf ormation is accurateDrug-Free Workplace Act of 1988This act requires some federal contractors and all federal grantees agree that they will provide drug free workplaces as a precondition of receiving a contract or grant from the Federal Government Enacted by Congress as part of an anti-drug legislation in 1988 The importance of this act is that it ensures the safety of all employees by ensuring that no one will be working while to a lower place the influence of drugs Drug turn uping as part of an application process and if an employee is hurt on the job most companies require a drug test when they go to the hospitalPolygraph Protection Act of 1988Prohibits employers to use polygraph tests in a job application process On June 27, 1988, Congress enacted the Employee Polygraph Protection Act 1 to regulate the use of lie detector devices in the workplace The importance of this act is that it protects employees from violating privacy issues byasking non job related It is unreasonable f or employers to give potential employees polygraph testWorker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) of 1988Makes sure that employers give notification to employees about plant closings or lay-offs This became law without death chair Ronald Reagans signature through the use of veto-proof Democratic majority in Congress The importance of this law is to protect employees because of a shut down or layoff, requiring employees be given a 60-day notice ease the burden of losing their jobs, some companies give severance packages based on the employees years of service with the company
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A Brief Description of the Feeling of Wonder
Jeaniqua Stanford January 17, 2013 ACP 110-02 Definition Paper rarity is a haveing of curiosity, amazement, and surprise. Wonder sack up happen at any given moment, save most times it is not truly oppugn. Most times when someone believes something as interrogateful, they scarcely mistake it for wonderful. Instead what they are feeling is simply curiosity or amazement. Wonder is so much deeper than those simple emotions, it is to a point that when you feel wonder you become speechless. When you see, feel, hear, touch, or taste something that makes you feel speechless, like you literally have no words that domiciliate let off how you are feeling.If you ask people what wonder is, you will stump them. They will not know how to explain what exactly they feel when they feel wonder. Wonder is one of those emotions that is hard to explain. You know it when you feel it besides you cannot explain it. In the ACP 11O-02 course at Roosevelt University, the students were asked what they believed wonder was. The students looked around, some even looked out the window, hoping that they would not be called on. This question is not one that is asked every day, so people do not normally have an answer ready for it.They probably would have to think about it for a long time until they can sum up at least one sentence for what wonder is. When sitting in the ACP course, the general comment of wonder that came from the discussion, was something that makes you feel amazement. Something that is wonderful to most people would be birth, or pregnancy. The whole process of having a child, psychically having it, is speechless. Mothers say that it hurts like nothing they have ever felt, but the emotion they feel once it is over and they get to hold the life they have been nurturing for nine months, is indescribable.The joy that takes over their faces is a moment that should be remembered, and most likely is. toppingly things are everywhere in the world and if a person just happens to be at the right and at the right time, than they might get to ingest it. It is hard to say that something inanimate is wonderful, because it is hard to explain. Trying to find the words to say what a person feels about life itself is difficult. It is wonderful because even though it is explained and can be scientifically described, words truly cannot describe life.Yes, life is the way people go about living on the earth and what they do, but what else is it? How exactly did it happen? Religious people would say that God created man, the planet, and everything else on it. But then scientists would say that we evolved from other beings that roamed the earth before us. If you go for the scientists thoughts on life, than the religious people could easily counter that argument with a question on who created everything that we evolved from. Wonder is that emotion that everybody confuses with other things, is it really wonder or is it amazement.Can you explain how you feel or are ther e no words for how you feel? Those are the questions people need to ask when thinking about what is wonderful to them. The definition of wonder is something that leaves you speechless and curious for more information on it. Life is the one thing that is wondrous to most people because it is unexplainable. A person can guess all they want about how life came about, but they will never find the true answer of it, unless they find someone or something that has been live(a) for the entirety of earths existence.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Lemon Law
Lemon Law The northwesterly Carolina Lemon Law is a consumer protection law enacted to provide recourse after having purchased a defective vehicle. The North Carolina Lemon Law is similar to lemon laws in other evinces, but there are some differences. North Carolinas lemon law requires motorcar manufacturers to repurchase or replace a vehicle that has not been properly repaired within a reasonable form of attempts. In North Carolina, this reasonable number is 4 attempts or if the car has been out of service waiting repair for a cumulative total of 20 or more business days during any 12-month period of the guarantee.The North Carolina Lemon Law gives relief to those who either buy or lease a vehicle that has a gross lading of 10,000 pounds or less. It covers cars, trucks, motorcycles and most vans. It does not cover, however, house trailers. The North Carolina Lemon Law covers any kinds of defects that impair the value, use or safety of the vehicle to the consumer. The defects does not shit to affect the drivability of the car but could be problems such as defective paint, heating system or excessive noise. It is very important to read the warranty book that came with the new or leased vehicle carefully.The warranty will tell you what is covered and for how long. When you buy or leased your vehicle, you probably will cause to sign a lot of paperwork. It is important to read your copies of this paperwork very carefully to find out if the manufacturer wants you to waive your rights to a trial by venire in the case of problems and settle through arbitration instead. Arbitration is usually not in the best interest of the consumer in lemon law cases, so make sure you know what your rights are before you buy or lease.READ IT ALL Once you have purchased or leased a new vehicle that needs to be taken in for repairs, it is important that you start keeping records at this point, in case they are needed later. When taking your vehicle in to an authorized dealer for repairs, keep a detailed list of what needs to be repaired for yourself along with the dealer. Get repair orders for your vehicle and make sure they state all repairs and how long your vehicle was in the shop including dates and mileage.The North Carolina Lemon Law requires the consumer to notify the manufacturer and finance company in writing of defects erstwhile a car has been out of service for 15 business days or has been sent in for repair for the same defect three times. This is super important. Without written notification to the manufacturer, you will not have a claim. Keep copies of all correspondence with the manufacturer and finance company. The best defense in a lemon law case is accurate facts and information in the form of records.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
National University of Singapore Essay
The way of the yellow crystals obtained tallies with the reference physical appearance of Dibenzalacetone1. The appearance of the white powder obtained also tallies with the reference physical appearance of o-Chlorobenzoic acid2. The yields of the compounds are relatively low at 34.2% and 29.5%. This may be out-of-pocket to some possible sources of error and limitations which will be discussed in the next section. Limitations and Sources of phantasmLoss of compounds was an important factor that fountaind the yield of the purified compounds to be reduced. This may bring occurred first during the extraction phase where extraction may not be complete. During the filtration and nothingness filtration processes, there was also a high level of difficulty in retrieving all the wanted products due to the products forming on the edges of the filter paper or gummy to the sides of the apparatus. Although the yield can be improved by increasing the number of extractions, the increase will not be significant enough (explained under habit question 1) to overcome the loss of the compounds due to frequent transferring of the products.The usage of the separatory funnel to separate the 2 organic and aqueous layers limited the accuracy of the experiment due to potential contamination. There was difficulty in determining the exact boundaries between the organic and aqueous layers accurately even under precautions such as conducting the withdrawal at slow speed and at eye level.Contamination of the purified products will cause the melting point determination to deviate from actual results and identifying the compounds incorrectly. The solubility demonstrate conducted to determine the recrystallization solvent might be another possible source of error. The amount of compound to be added into 2mL of the solvent was estimated rather than accurately weighed. This may have cause errors in determining the solubility of the compounds in the solvents and hence, led to incorrect u se of the proper recrystallization technique for the compounds. Furthermore, cloudy mixtures obtained upon mixing the compound and the solvent might cause the solubility of the compounds to be inaccurately determined. ConclusionA mixture of 2 organic compounds was separated utilise recrystallization and purified. Melting Point Determination was the method used to identify the 2 organic compounds and cross-checking the experimental results obtained with a list of possible organic compounds showed that the Neutral Compound was Dibenzalacetone and the Acidic Compound was o-Chlorobenzoic acid. Verifying the identified compounds via their appearances with references supercharge validated the experimental results. References1. Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemspider, Search and Share Chemistry http//, Retrieved 14 September 2013 2. Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemspider, Search and Share Chemistry http// .8071.html, Retrieved 14 September 2013 Exercise QuestionsQuestion 1a) D = Xo / XwWhen D = 8, Ao = 8 AwSince mass can be expressed as a product of tidy sum and concentration as shown in Equation 1 below, by letting Vo be the volume of organic layer, Vw thevolume of aqueous layer with m organism the total initial mass of A, Equation 2 can be obtained. - Equation 1- Equation 2Using Equation 2 and interchange in known values, we can obtain- Equation 3Solving, we get Aw = 1.11 X 10-2 g/mLb) Using Equation 2,For 1st Extraction,- Equation 4Solving, we get Aw = 2.00 X 10-2 g/mLFor 2nd Extraction,- Equation 5Solving, we get Aw = 4.00 X 10-3 g/mLc) Repeating the above method as shown in (b) for multiple extractions, we can obtain For 4th Extraction using 20 mL of dichloromethane,Aw = 1.23 x 10-3 g/mLFor 8th Extraction using 10 mL of dichloromethane,Aw = 3.91 X 10-4 g/mLd) Based on calculation above, while the total amount of dichloromethane used in (a), (b) and (c) remained eonian at 80 m L, the values of Aw obtained decreases with increasing number of extractions done with smaller amounts of dichloromethane used during each extraction. Multi-extraction allows more of the solute to dissolve in the solvent. This leads to a higher(prenominal)(prenominal) amount of solute extracted.e) To access if excessive extraction (8 times) is necessary, the yield difference of solute extracted between doing 4 and 8 times extraction must be considered.Mass of solute not extracted by 4-times Extraction = 1.23 X 10-3 X 80= 0.0984 gMass of solute not extracted by 8-times Extraction = 3.91 X 10-4 X 80= 0.0313 g parting yield of solute using 4-times Extraction == 98.8%Percentage yield of solute using 8-times Extraction == 99.6%The percentage yield increases by 0.8% which is not very significant as figure above. This does not justify the cost and time needed to carry out excessive extraction since the yield difference is small. Question 2c) A intermit solvent for recrystallization of B will give a higher yield of B crystals. Based on the calculation in (a) and (b), water gives a higher yield of crystals (8.54 g at 25C and 9.81 g at 0C ) as compared to ethanol (7.38 g at 25C and 8.21 g at 0C). Hence, water is a better solvent for the recrystallization of B.d) The crystals should be washed with frigid solvent (0C). The solubility of compounds increases with increasing temperature. Washing the crystals with cold solvent ensures that the crystals do not dissolve back into the solvent. Washing the crystals with warm solvent will cause the yield of crystals to diminish.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Internship Report on Hr Practices in Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Essay
The term industrial act refers to the process of preparing encompass on an industry by run intoing it physic all in ally, observing its achievement process and gathering relevant info from the counsel personnel, analyzing and evaluating data, and findings and d in the naturaling comment on the action of the industry. As the part of 4th yr, we bring in visited industrial business deal security department Ltd (IHPL). It was conventional in Bangladesh as a distant Direct Investment(FDI).It is located in the ara of Chittagong Export bear on zona(CEPZ).It is established as Private Ltd comp either(prenominal). It produces pot gloves for exporting l unmatchable(prenominal). It has no foodstuff in Bangladesh at present. It collects in the altogether materials like recite from diametric countries and convert raw material into unblemished goods. After that it exports those in diametrical countries according to top office. Now a days Bangladesh is emerging as a cove ring stinting region in South East Asia and there is an increasing opposition between national and International Corporation. Since industrial mickle Protection is a global com cooking p or so(prenominal), it has to compete with the transnational corporation. Since the business environment is now highly competitive, customers atomic number 18 the king .As a result all companies atomic number 18 ontogenesis their products to satisfy their customer. IHPL is also developing its product and present momentanttaining its step according to their customer needs.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe radical or main purpose of stem is to learn hard-nosed knowledge to the highest degree business domain of a function for balancing the gap of our industrial policy in the modern hypothecate market. The objectives of this industrial tour be as belowi) The vizor objective of the study is to know the merc move onise process of the company, types of raw materials and sources of the raw materia ls. ii) To know the commit it awayment system of the industry.iii) To assess the potentiality strength and lightsomeness of the company. iv) To identify an all overview of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd.IMPORTANCE OF THE TOURNow a days oper suitable knowledge is generally emphasized on business perspective. For this reason, industrial tour does a great run low to achieve unimaginative knowledge. After visiting Industrial Hand Protection Ltd we have gathered a huge practical knowledge like control conditionling system, cookery facilities, answerment system, and packagingal system, achievement system and so on. We besides know close the compensation policy, pricing policy, purchase & sales office, sources of raw materials and back breaker system as well.METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDYTodays study is conducted primarily in participatory re search synopsis mode and secondary on practical and theoretical analysis. The research supervisor proposed research topic and therefrom questionnaire was made. This questionnaire was placed before the official of IHPL & subject to the approval of the research supervisor to volunteer their answers. Practical visit took place subsequently. Primary and secondary data was collected from each possible source.The primary sources are as follows Face-to-face conversation with the respective offices and stuffs of the showtime. Piratical work experience in the contrasting desk of the department of the branch covered. Observation of the action and attention area of the company. Face-to-face conversation with production related employees Related sports stadium study as provided by the officerThe secondary sources of data and the in piddleation are Annual report Web site address Book basis articlesBrochure provided by the company, catalogue, prospectusLimitation of the sheathWe tried our aim best to collect information as much as needful to train a perfect report on Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. Since the mo untain of Bangladesh have a negative approach regarding research, it is in truth difficult to conduct a research in our agricultural. As a result we face a lot of troubles in collecting information. They are very much achromatic to provide relevant information. So we alert this report on the available information we are able to collect from diametric sources. The limitations of the study are assumption below Industrial Tour is organized for only cardinal day. As a result it is very difficult to collect as much as information required preparing report. Some information is very much confidential. So they do non provide that information. Most of the officials are so busy to provide us enough time for discussion. It is established in Bangladesh in 2010.So we are unable to collect much information. Employees have the negative model regarding the research. So they would non like to provide much information. They have no well organized website, annual financial report, maga zine, and any periodical report. So to collect secondary data we have got very limited area.Brief recital About Industrial TourIndustrial tour is very crucial for the BBA program. So during the BBA program each student needs to visit in any disposal to gain practical knowledge which pull up s make waters help to settle a connection between the theoretical and practical knowledge. Since we are the students of 4th year of the BBA program, we visited an industry named Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. At origin our teachers made a group of iv members. Our teacher a bulky with the students fixed a find to visit the company. It was 30th June, 2012. On the receivable date we gathered in front of the shopping complex at 7.30 am. Teacher and all members came there in time. After taking build upfast we started our journey for IHPL under the direct supervision of our teacher named Anupam Kumar Das, lecture, part of oversight Studies, University of Chittagong. Surprisingly we got a gu est teacher named Mr.Shanewas Mahmod Sohel, Assistant Professor, Department of direction Studies, University of Chittagong. We reached at IHPL at 8.30 am. Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, acquire us cordially and took us to the concourse room. They provide us some snacks and tea as a breakfast. All personnel of the organization came and introduced with us at 9.00am.Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin gives a brief speech about what we testament do during our tour and provided us the agenda of the activities of the tour. After completing the introduction, Mr.Akber Haqqani(DGM), item of production provided a speech about the history of MIDAS, its mission, vision, and the present scenario of it. He also described about the potentiality of it.He showed the overall double of organization. We were listening the speech attentively. Because his presentation was very nice, easy to understand, clear and raiseing. He also gave us an luck to implore any questions about IHPL. After the presentation we too k a tea break according to the schedule at10.30 am. whence Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, gave a presentation about the functions of Admin& Personnel Department. He described what HR Department does for motivating employees and achieves higher productiveness. He also described how they evaluate their strength and weakness, opport social unity and threats. After that he gave us opportunities to ask something and we asked different questions and noned answers. After that Mr.K.M.Arif Moin Uddin told very briefly about how to develop our career plan. Then Mr.Shihab Uddin and Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin ( director Admin& Personnel) took us to visit the factory. We visited the whole factory and directly observed how they are producing different hand gloves and prepared them for final sell and the packaging process. They produce the gloves through deuce processes. One is automated process and a nonher(prenominal) is carriage-automated process. We proverb that at first production engineer pre pared a mixture of chemic .Then raw gloves was sunk into it.There were two boilers which are used for heating the gloves. occupation engineer told us about the whole production process in detail. They also told us they w bedfast subjoin the number of boilers if the organisation provides available gas and electricity. We saw that the production process is not so simple. It is very complex. Gigantic raft up of compliance and its movement is glared and flickered to us. All production engineers clarifies how the gloves are made and about their features. After that we went to the ware mansion house. We saw that they had a very oversized warehouse. By visiting factory we had got a overall view of the production process, maintaining whole step, and stored process. After that we took luncheon with Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin and Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, at pm. After taking lunch, we went back to our conference room. After tea break Mr.Adnan Peerzada from Pakistan, Deputy Manager, Fin. &com. gave a brief presentation on the responsibleness of a good manger at2.00 pm.He is very sincere, co-operative and cordial. He shared with us about his soul(prenominal) life. He told us how he certain his career in practical. He also said in shortly about grant chain focusing. He tried to provide a clear judgment of supply chain management with a practical example. After that Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin invited us to discuss the total production process of the total plant in the conference room. He described the whole production process in brief and we noted it. After that different heads of the department as Manager Admin &Personnel, Deputy Manager of Fin. & Com. Production Engineers, AM-QA&QC, and HRO came to conference room and invited us to ask different questions about IHPL. We along with our teachers asked a number of questions regarding any confusion. They answered all questions nicely and very clearly. At last we depose say that all the personnel of the organization were very much co-operative, loving, and helpful. Our industrial tour formally was blameless at 4.00 pm.GENERAL IDEA ABOUT INDUSTRIAL HAND PROTECTION LTD. (IHPL)MIDAS was started in 1975 in Pakistan. The owner of the organization was from Gujarat. The operated area of it is in India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Canada and Middle east country. The name of the sub-project of MIDAS is Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. It was located in Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ).It is only related with production of different types of hand gloves. It does all production according to the policy of head office which is ascertain in Canada. Head office determines all types ofproduction, marketing, financial policy. Industrial Hand Protection Ltd implements the policy that is taken by head office. IHPL collects raw materials from Malaysia and new(prenominal)s countries. Then it converts these into finished products and export other countries directed by head office. It produces differe nt types of industrial gloves for the purpose of export. IHPL is fully export orient industry. It runs its production in two ways. One is automated production and another is semi-automated production. It exports mainly in USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, Holland, Spain etc. At present it does not sell any products in our country. It also maintains large warehouses for ensuring same day runs .Their market share in the homo is 35 millions. gross sales Volume in 2012 is 300 millions and their guideed profit in 2020 is 1200 millions. Their sourcing office is China in 2010. They mostly export in India and USA. Their manufacturing Locations are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Canada bon ton ProfileIndustrial Hand Protection Ltd. friendship Profile1. Name the company Industrial Hand Protection Ltd.(IHPL) 2. Present Address Plot No.6, empyrean 1A, Road No.5, C.E.P.Z, Chittagong-4223, Bangladesh. 3. Head Office address Chittagong Export Processing Zone(CEPZ) 4. Location of the factory Chittagong Export Processing Zone(CEPZ) 5. Year of establishment 20106. Initiative organization to establish this industry Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) 7. Type of consummation Production Oriented.8. Year of starting its production November, 2010.9. Total number of employees 60010. Nature of ownership Wholly have11. Type of company Both labour and Capital Intensive.12. Legal status of the company Private Ltd. Company13. Purpose of production100%Export oriented14. Production Area Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ)15. Head office Canada.16. Two types Garments and Gloves. 17. Gloves production in Bangladesh alter process Semi- machine-driven process 18. Market united States of America, Europe, Asia, Africa, 19. Exporting Countries USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AFRICA, SPAIN, RUSSIA, HOLAND, INDIA 20. Market share in the world 35 millions21. Sales 2012 300 millions.22. Sales 2020 1200 millions.23. Most Exported Countries India and USA.24. Annual Export Volume $90,0 000025. Manufacturing Location India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Canada. 26. Product concern Largest.Winning Strategies Effective pitying Resource department resulted in a strong professional management and marketing aggroup. Independent governing advisory boards in different countries. Strong purchase and finance departments in all MIDAS location with keen relationship with banks. Establishment of different training centre for customers stuff, employees and new employees. Time and priggishty spend to create brand value Establishment of large warehouse and same day service. bulky investment in research and development including 30% of time for improving existing product and 70% on new innovative product and process. Straight short line production with improved prime(prenominal) product. Team spirit, open communication and co-ordination among team members. Marketing by Web on cloud computing. cay Personnel of IHPL.Key humane Resource personnel of IHPLMission And Visio n of (IHPL)Vision 2020 To be one of the leading 5 precaution companies in the worldMission1. Great team work.2. timberland And innovative production.3. Brand recognition in emerging world market.Gaining Drivers of Industrial Hand protection ltd(IHPL) Innovation IHPL expends a lot amount for the purpose of innovative workers. About 70%of R&D is used for designing of the product. Experienced Employees Most of the employees of the IHPL are so much experienced. Because continuous training program is followed by the organization. Co-operation Co-operation is the main driver of the higher productivity. Co-operation among the departments and that of the employees is important for achieving the goal effectively and efficiently. Since IHPL follows the participative management it can able to en positive(predicate) co-operation. feature Maintained They maintain the standard quality of the product. They produce the customized product. They have a good monitoring team to continuously mon itor the quality of the product. Human Resources Leadership A good leaders exist in the organization. They create vision and directed the all employees toward the achievement of the organizational goal. Update Technology They import the updated engineering science and used in the production process. As a result they have been able to automatize the production process the productivity of the employees has increased rapidly. Team Work Team work is the best for increasing productivity of the employees. They have made a number of groups consisting of 24 members in each group and assign their target that must be achieved within a specific period of time period of time.Overal View of organizational StrategypicMain Themes of The Company Service. Quality. Cost Competitiveness. Innovation Organizational Structure.Core prophylactic Values swot Analysis of the IHPLCompetencies of the Industrial Hand Protection ltd. Customer Focus Delegation. Motivating Others Customization. Perseverance.M anagementThe key points of management practices of IHPL are discussed belowManagement StyleIHPL follows the Line & Staff Management style. There are quadruplet level of management in this organization. There is no managing committee in this organization. supply ProcessPlanning is the set of activities such as selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them, it also includes decision qualification. IHPL also has a strong preparedness process in which the authority has to formulate these plans. Most of the times top-level management makes decision. IHPL takes plans for intermediate term.Goals and ObjectivesObjectives or goals are as Milestone where organization and individual activities are directed and it wants to reach. Objectives are state end results. cod and verifiable objectives facilitate measurement of the surplus as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of managerial actions.IHPL considers, to be one of the leading 5 safety Cos of the world as a visi on of setting organizational goals and objectives.Specialization and DepartmentalizationThis organization follows work specialisation for every employee. Work specialization refers to every employees should specialized in the particular field. MIDAS does not follow generalization. And it generally follows the departmentalization. MIDAS has eight departments.Span of controlSpan of Control means the number of subordinates a manager can effectively and efficiently direct.Wider drag in are more efficient in term of address. However at some point wider pan reduce effectiveness. That is, when the sweep up becomes too large, employee performance suffers because supervisors no longer have the times to provide the necessary leadership and support.Narrow span have three major drawbacks.* They are expensive because they add level of management * They make vertical communication in the organization more complex * Narrow span of control encourage overly tight supervision and discourage empl oyees autonomy.IHPL follows narrow span of control and manage effectively.Decision MakingDecision-making is defined as excerption of a course of action from among alternatives it is at the kernel of planning. Decision-making may be either alter or decentralized. The decision making process of that organization is centralized by the authority plot of ground taking strategic decision.IHPL also follows participative management in decision making.picProduction DepartmentSimply, Production is the process of converting raw materials into finished goods that have utility values. Production refers to the processes and methods employed to veer tangible input(materials,semifinished goods,or subassemblies)and intangible inputs(ideas, information, knowledge) into goods or services. Production management refers to the dividing line of coordinating and controlling the activities required making a product, typically involving effective control of scheduling, cost, performance, quality, and w aste requirements. IHPL production system is customer based. So IHPL production system is intermittent. IHPL production planning and production scheduling is order based.Basic raw materials and sources of raw materials bare materials Sources of raw materials chemical substanceInternational and local suppliers Yarn International and local suppliers Problems in procuring raw-materials Rising cost More time to collect raw material Frequent change in price be agitate in procuring raw materials Building loyal relationship with suppliers Better transportationTypes of ProductsThere are different harmings of hand gloves are producing IHPL. Products are as follows * Journey gloves* Industrial gloves* Chemical safeguard gloves* Hit resistance gloves* Fashion garments gloves* Medical gloves* Cut resistance gloves* Sports gloves etcUses of GlovespicProduction process of hand glovesTotal 645 people (574 workers and 74 employees) are worked in IHPL for producing of hand gloves. bare-assed m aterials are important for gloves production. How IHPL produces hand gloves that means how chemical and yarn converts into hand gloves? There are two production process of producing hand gloves such as Automated hand gloves production procedure and Semi-automated hand gloves production procedure.We can show it by following flow sheet Automated hand gloves production procedure (oil based)Semi-automated/Manual hand gloves production procedures (water based)Oil based hand gloves are used for normal or rough use. On the other hand, water based hand gloves are used for different purposes such as glass factory, garments industry, steel industry, knitting industry, medical operation, sports, wok shops, chemical industry etc.HUMAN election DEPARTMENTHuman resource department is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. It is responsible for bringing people into the organization, helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labors andsolving problems that a rise. Management of human resources is that function of all enterprises which provides for effective utilization of people to achieve both the objectives of the enterprise and the gladness and development of the employees. Human resource management differs from traditional personal management. Opening of Human Resource Department signifies growing awareness of the importance of human factor in organizational performance.IHPLs one of the taking strategies is effective HR dept. resulted in a strong professional management and marketing teams. The role of the HR department on the overall performance of the organization is emphasized by Recruitment Maintenance retentivity of employeesFUNCTIONS OF HR DEPARTMENT Recruitment of workers / staffs through interview ( daily recruitment of workers) Workers and staff orientation and personal grooming training. Daily security setup checking Ensure cleaning in IHPL Logistics support Routine co-ordination among suppliers attendance analysis an d reporting Leave report maintaining Co-ordinate BEPZA and government offices Ensure staffs wage bank account making grooming information update and arrange recommended training Ensure health and safety at work Employee counseling Expatriates work permit Wastage management Updates of registration and record Employee records PETTY cash management Employee grievances Performance appraisal bloodline description and transmission line stipulation Developing and implementing different policyPerformance ManagementPerformance management is the process employers use to make sure that employees are on the job(p) towards organizational goals. Employee performance of IHPL is appraised on yearly basis and 3 months performance review is conducted for this purpose.pic highschool Performance DriversIt tries to maintain high performances through following 3c factors. IHPL do believe that, high performance is the outcome of the multiplication of clarity, capability and commitment. Those are Competency. Capability. Commitment.It can be express as followsCompetency*Capability*Commitment = High Performance Absenteeism And TurnoverAbsenteeism An absence refers to time an employee is not on the job during scheduled working hours , except for a granted leave of absence, holiday or vacation time. Turnover cranch turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and loses employees. Simply we can say how long employees tend to stay or the rate of traffic through the revolving door.Overview of the absenteeism and turnover rate of IHPL proportion of Satisfactory And Dissatisfactory factors of IHPLTHE MAIN AREAS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENTThe personnel manager is responsible for all the decisions regarding HRD but before taking any decision he consults with the HR officer. There is an organized HR policy in this type of production oriented company. IHPLs HR policy is outside(a) although its an MNC. Its human resource policy is Recruit competent custody Training and developmen t of workforce Retain good workforce by logical benefits and compensationThis department is of highest significance as IHPL do believe that Our Strength is Our People Cos policy regarding HR planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, training and performance management and reward system are discussed in the following segment of the paperHUMAN RESOURCE PLANNINGHR planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm exit have to take on and how to fill them. The main task of HRD is a good HR planning. HR planning, in turn, involves job analysis and prodigy the demand and supply of labor.JOB ANALYSISAn organization consists of positions that have to be staffed. Job analysis is the procedure for find out the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. Its one of the most important task that performed by the HR staff. Through job analysis, the vacant position is assemble out and the job description and the job specification is prepared.In case of job analysis, IHPL follows 3types of methods Observation method Structured questionnaire method Individual interview methodJob descriptionJob description is a written statement of what the worker actually does, how he or she does it and what the jobs working conditions are.Job specificationThe job specification takes the job description and answers the question, what human traits and experiences are required to do the job well? It shows what kind of person to recruit and for what qualities that person should be tested.IHPL conducts job analysis to come up with job evaluation. And for each and every position in it there are job description and job specification. In the selection of employees it follows job specification.RECRUITMENTIn case of recruiting employees the company uses School placement Employee references AdvertisementsTo search for required candidates.For ads for employee recruitment, IHPL uses Daily newspapers Internet / on-lineFor skilled jobs for IHPL, the most popular recruiting sources are Reference checking Labor market campaign Existing employee referenceThe most popular sources of managerial jobs are Newspaper advertisement Walk in interviewSELECTIONAfter recruitment, the company goes for selection procedure. The preparation of a short list of candidates is based on the following criteria Competency Chittagong zone living people Positively raptorial hard working personFor employee selection, the company follows 3 types of selecton tests Written tests Oral tests Medical testsIn the selection process, the sequential steps involved can be shown in the following diagrampicIn case of daily worker selection, the procedure isAfter selection, the employees are assigned to different types of jobs on the basis of job description. While selecting employees, the problem that the company faces is the lack of competent peopleTRAINING AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTTraining is the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they n eed to perform their jobs. In IHPL there is an organized training and development program to develop employee skills and productivity. In determining the training needs of the employees, IHPL considers productivity. 3types of training methods are employ here classroom lecture on the job training external training after(prenominal) the purpose of the training program, employees are assigned to predetermined positions.Performance management is the process employers use to make sure that employees are working towards organizational goals. Employee performance of IHPL is appraised on yearly basis and 3 months performance review is conducted for this purpose.IHPL do believe that, high performance is the outcome of the multiplication of clarity, capability and commitment. That is High Performance = competency* capability * commitmentREWARD SYSTEMBefore constructing its reward system, IHPL evaluates the jobs utilize Point Method. It sets its basic pay based on experience performance pos ition schoolman qualificationtraditional method of administrative pay is used in here. BEPZA has a great work on its recompense system. In order to retain highly experienced people, IHPL uses motivation promotion providing extra facilities trainingbenefits provided to the employees are house rent DA / TAEmployees get bonus on yearly basis. Facilities are reactive here.Quality Control QC is a procedure or set of procedures think to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. In Order to implement an effective QC program, an enterprise must first decide which specific standards the products or service must meet. Then the extent of QC actions must be determined. (Ex the constituent of units to be tested from each lot).Quality Control Procedure in IHPL In IHPL Quality control procedure is done through internal & buyer consent. 100% audit (Third party audits from buyer side ). Raw material inspection. Dangerous article protection (steel fragmented, niddle parts, safety measures). Accepted Quality level. Quality accessories and chemical used. Automated weaving machine. ISO 9001 2008 is followed in case of product Quality control. Customer expectation and ISO standard are followed for quality measurement. They have a skilled inspection team for quality control. This team consists of 24 members. IHPL has two different maintenance policy for equipment including i. Preventive maintenance policyii. Repair maintenance policy.Inspection services & examination in IHPLIHPL maintains some inspection services and testing procedures for ensuring product quality including-Preshipment Inspection An inspection to plug the conformity of production to their specification. Production monitoring Constant oversight in factory with daily reports on quality and production status. During production check Control and recommendation for production process and capacity. Ini tial production check Inspection of machinery and materials to be used for their product prior to production. Container loading check Guarantee the finished goods meet their specification (Product type & quality) and are loaded.Labor ManagementIHPL produces safety hand gloves under Midas Safety has been Protecting the Working Hands of the World. IHPL is a manufacturing unit of Midas Safety, and a thoroughly labor intensive unit also. About 574 labors are working in it with two distinct shifts Day shift and Night shift. For manage a large number of labor there have a strong labor management unit. This unit recruits, selects, trains, reward and terminate labor. There have no labor union and no CBA also. Labor cannot participate in decision making. IHPL provide food facilities to its worker. It has own canteen for its worker and provide two snacks with tea and lunch for day shift and three snacks with tea and dinner for night shift. Though IHPL situated in CPEZ, thus it need to follow instruction provided by BEPZA. BEPZA labor administrationThe BEPZA fixed minimal wages in October 1993 for categories of trainees, unskilled, semiskilled, and skilled workers at US$22 to US$63 per month. These rates have never been revised. The borderline has become the effective maximum. The classification of workers is also done entirely by the employer. Similarly, working hours, paid holiday and other leave, payment of wages, and maternity benefits are all inflexible unilaterally by management. The BEPZA document, Labor and Industrial dealing, rules that BEPZA issues directives from time to time determining minimum wages. It is understood that the minimum wage, US$22, issued in 1993 still remains valid, although in national laws, periodical revisions are provided for. This salary is less than US$1.00 per day, the measuring stick used internationally to identify the poor. These issues require collective talk terms and action including strikes if employers do not resolve to workers demands. Official documents do not indicate how an offending employer is punished. There is no regular inspection by BEPZA Labor Administration, nor is there any requirement by employers to report on compliance. Because of this, privilege from the Industrial Relations Ordinance appears highly detrimental to workers interests. In February 1986 the government exempted the BEPZA from the Employment of Labor (standing order) Act.A notification in January 1989 also exempted EPZ enterprises from the Factories Act 1965. These two acts related to basic conditions of employment (daily, monthly, casual, etc.), dismissal procedure, and provision of safety, health, and sanitary conditions, including facilities for women workers and their children. earnings for dismissal is mentioned in the BEPZA booklet on labor and industrial relations. But the reasons for discharge are not covered including arbitral dismissal. According to the BEPZA booklet, reasons for dismissal include physical a nd mental incapacity and continued ill health, with compensation of one months pay for every year of service or any part thereof in excess of six months. But the booklet does not clarify whether such dismissals are scrutinized by BEPZA prior to an employers order. Similarly dismissal on grounds of misconduct is permitted after due enquiry proceedings, (presumably by the employer). These provisions are liable to violation of workers rights by the employers. Remuneration The fan tan passed the EPZ Workers necktie and IndustrialRelations Act 2004(Amended up to October 2010). Competitive wages in respect of semi skilled, skilled and high skilled. The average monthly wages has been practiced as follow Unskilled US$ 39.00-48.00 Semi-skilled US$ 55.00 Skilled US$ 61.00-109.00 Other benefits include Conveyance Allowance, House Rent, Medical Allowance, Maternity Benefit, feast Bonus, Provident Fund and Overtime. Considering the production cost investor is being deemed to be satisfied w ith the overall productivity of the labors. Human Rights in EPZ(a) Pressure to enhance well-beingIt appears that the BEPZA and investors in EPZs are under social and international squelch not only to enhance the welfare of the workers, but also to consult the workers in the process. According to the BEPZA publicize October December 1999, a Conference of Investors on issues pertaining to labor relations in EPZs of Bangladesh was held in Dhaka in December 1999. The Minister of Labor, the Minister of Industries and the American Ambassador to Bangladesh attended the conference. According to the Bulletin, the investors in the EPZs of Bangladesh have proposed forming a Tripartite Welfare Committee to look after and protect the interest of workers. And the US Ambassador in his speech encouraged the investors to form a committee to help devise an acceptable method of ensuring the welfare of the workers in the EPZs of Bangladesh. (b) Pressure from foreign/international agenciesAs early a s 1991, AFL CIO, the largest trade union league in USA, petitioned to revoke Bangladeshs general system of preferences (GSP tariff concessions) because of various alleged infringement of labor rights, including the denial of freedom of association in the Chittagong EPZ. After a review of the petition, the US government decided to continue Bangladeshs GSP privileges, following Bangladesh governments assurance to allow freedom of association in the EPZs by 1997 (Daily jumper lead, 28 October 1999). In June1999, AFL-CIO filed another petition to revoke the GSP privileges of Bangladesh, based solely on the countrys failure to act in accordance with the assurance. Since then the US ambassador has repeatedly imperil withdrawal of GSP privileges on the same grounds.On the other hand in a meeting with BEPZA chairman, the Nipponese ambassador categorically stated, Japan does not want trade unions in the EPZs at this moment (Daily Star, 20 February 2000) and he expressed satisfaction at the congenial atmosphere in the two EPZs of the country. A Korean entrepreneur observed that international labor standards maintained in developed countries should not be employ in Bangladesh because the issues of industrial relations here were different. According to another report in the Daily Star of 19 October 1999, the Bangladesh government had signed an agreement with the US Trade Department in 1994 to withdraw the exemption from Employment of Labor (standing orders) Act 1965, and from the Industrial Relations Act 1969, by 1995 and 1997 respectively. Exemption from the Factories Act was pull away in 2000. On the other hand, the Chittagong EPZ investors told the US ambassador that permitting trade unions would also be a severing of contract by the Bangladesh government, which had promised a peaceful atmosphere in the Industrial Zones (Daily Star, 28 October 1999). Meanwhile attainment of a huge area of land for a Korean EPZ has displaced 425 families and the process has be en challenged in court by a religious group, as it sought to acquire a church. Complaints of corruption and harassment in payment of compensation to displaced landowners for land acquired for Comilla EPZ has also appeared in the press. (c) Pressure for consultation with workersIn the conference, it was proposed that the Welfare Committee leave behind comprise of worker representatives, BEPZA, and BEPZA enterprises. This indicates a current lack of arrangements for consultation in any forum with representatives of workers. In the three bodies comprising the BEPZA, no representative of workers is included. The Ministry of Labor is not even represented in these bodies.(d) Divided sagaciousness among ministersIn the 1999 conference, the Minister of Labor made a vague statement that the government will take some measures to protect the interest of workersand the investors equally while the Industries Minister was more categorical in saying, The prime objective of the government is to i ncrease employment opportunities through increased investment. Any issue relating to EPZs of Bangladesh should be considered cautiously. (e) resister to traditional trade unionsOther speakers in the conference cautioned that foreign investment will be discouraged if traditional trade unions are introduced. In Bangladesh, labor laws provide for election of a Collective talk terms Agent (CBA) from among the registered unions in an industrial undertaking and traditionally the CBAs have exceeded their legal rights and created labor unrest, allegedly for the interest of the CBAs. Major reasons for such a situation are an ineffective labor administration and political commotion in implementation of labor laws. (f) BEPZA documentsSeveral BEPZA documents mention that BEPZA pursues a production-oriented labor law. The authority administers labor matters in the EPZs of Bangladesh. Labor unions are neither allowed to form or operate within EPZs. This is a strong characteristic that the ri ght to organize and bargain collectively is denied to workers in EPZS. The BEPZA documents do not mention how the labor matters are administered in the absence of trade unions, particularly in matters that require collective bargaining, such as safety and health, minimum wage, dispute settlement, etc. From occasional reports in newspapers, it appears that labor unrest takes place once in a while due to causes like arbitrary dismissal of workers. (g) Exemption from certain labor lawsOn 25 February 1986, the government exempted Chittagong EPZ from the provisions of the Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969 which recognized ILO Conventions on Freedom of Association (No. 87) and on the Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively (No. 98). The ILO considers these conventions as basic human rights. It is possibly consecutive thatwidespread misuse of liberal provisions for forming unions of workers gave rise to a multiplicity of unions and inter-union rivalry. Similarly, somecollective barga ining agents are also criticized for misusing their representative strength. However, these situations arise due to political reasons and due to poor enforcement of laws by management and the state. Absence of laws permitting trade unions is no guarantee that such situations will not appear in the EPZs as well if the political situation deteriorates and if law enforcement slackens. The relevant issue is whether BEPZAs labor administration has promoted any alternative relief for the workers.Export & ImportIHPL is an export oriented company. They export their products to various countries. These are as follows- U.S.A Canada Australia South Africa Spain Russia Holland India U.A.EThey mostly export to INDIA & USA. Their annual export volume is approx. 90 lac us dollar. They determine their international market demand and supply by its powerful sales team which is provided by its parent organization MIDAS, situated in Canada.IHPL transport goods by air & water. They procure raw materials from different countries. It need not have to pay any tax incomees for importing raw materials. IHPL is situated in EPZ area where companies are given special facilities and incentives in favor of their export goods also IHPL gets special incentive facilities fromBangladesh Govt for increasing their export. They use C&F agent for exporting their goods and collecting their raw materials.At the time of exporting product, they faces several problem. This are- seasonably transportation(unavailability of movers) Dependency on middle organization It may be caused by C&F agent. lengthy process in port Because of political problem mainly trade union. Corruption in every stage of processing Supply of wrong information by importer or exporterAbove mentioned problems can be solved by Providing adequate transportation facility Reducing interference of middle men manipulation of shipping problem in time Providing reliable information at the time of export and import Eliminating corrupti on by enforcing rules and regulationIHPL is a big growing factory in Bangladesh and Bangladesh Govt. should support this kind of factory to develop the country by following steps- To increase mobility of port There are many an(prenominal) kinds of problems in time of shipping goods and services. In our country labor does it. That is politicize trade union in port. this type of situation govt. can take initiative to increase mobility of port. Production of export cargo In our country ,we have no emergency career service. IHPL may expect to govt. this type of facility. Sound quality control and grading of export consignment In Bangladesh BSTI can do it. They may expect to govt. that BSTI will be more effective than previous. Effective cost control In our country cost increase due to delay delivery, delay production, delay documentation. To reduce this govt. canintroduce one stop service centre in port and also need to make it more effective. Developing sound lucre and linkage with o verseas market To do it govt. can need to do EPB and Commerce Ministry more effective. somatic social responsibility of IHPLCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the way companies integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their values and operations in a transparent and accountable manner. It is integral to long-term business return and success, and it also plays an important role in promoting business values locally and internationally and also bring to the sustainable development of communities. The Government of Bangladesh works with the public and private sector, business fellowship, civil association , with foreign governments and communities as well as other stakeholders to foster and promote CSR.WIKIPEDIA define CSR asCSR is a form of corporate self integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating weapon whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical st andards, and international norms. The goal of CSR is to embrace responsibility for the companys actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholder and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders.Corporate Social Responsibility THE BANGLADESH backgroundCSR practices in Bangladesh in its modern global terms, are relatively new, but not so for the concept itself. Because, being a part of the global market, it is difficult to ignore CSR standard specifically in the export sector like (MIDAS, young one, specific jeans) com. In general, it is true that in Bangladesh, the status of labor rights practices, environmentalmanagement and transparency in corporate governance are not satisfactory level, largely due to poor enforcement of existing laws and inadequate pressure from civil smart set and interest groups like Consumer Forums (CAB) consumer association of Bangladesh. Gl obally, as CSR practices are gradually being integrated into international business practices and hence is becoming one of the determining factors for market accesses, it is becoming equally instrumental for local acceptability.A focus on CSR in Bangladesh would be useful, not only for improving corporate governance, labor rights, work place safety, fair treatment of workers, community development and environment management, but also for industrialization and ensuring global market access. deficiency of enforcement of Industrial Laws and Regulations, weak unions, absence of consumer rights and high level of corruption within the regulatory bodies make CSR violation rampant in Bangladesh. CSR is neglected in two most significant foreign exchange sources is the RMG sector and the overseas men export. Unbelievably low compensation, working hours, health/hygiene/sanitation conditions, fire safety and various types of debase are so common and to the extent of inhumanity that will shoc k any conscientious individual to the core. Recently, the RMG sector employees have embarked on a industry wide movement to establish their rights. Like savor, narayangong (kunchpur) in march-April in 2012.CSR Of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. ( IHPL)IHPL is committed to ethical behavior and to sustainable economic development, while improving the quality of life of its workforce and their families, as well as the local community and society at large. IHPL is one of the organizations of MIDAS. It established in November 2010 in EPZ in Chittagong. Its a 100% export oriented safety material producer export gloves, heal mate, chemical resistant cover in India & others countries as per the requirement of MIDAS. Since its inception its carry our different types of CSR to govt., employees, BEPZA, EPZ & to the society. CSR to Govt.* Provide tax, duty, others fees timely* Follow govt. prescribe rules & regulation* gain ground diplomatic relation with exporting countries* Contribute t the up-liftment of GDP* Favorable balance of paymentCSR to society* create employment for 600 people( 50% male,50% female) * environment safety operation* raising living standard* Qurbani,a very new establishment, donation to orphanage. CSR to environment* pollution free manufacturing* sound waste management policy* minimum emission of co2* ISO 90012008 certified operationCSR to employees* timely wage paid* provide free lunch & dinner* provide on job training* provide safety material for worker in time of working* improve skill among worker* provide pure drinking water* transportation facilities for employeesCSR to BEPZA* follow BEPZA role & regulation* follow labor act 2006* operation is consistent with Bangladeshi culture, norms, value. worthy CSR practice in Bangladesh can also contribute a lot to community development. The corporate house can develop the community by creating employment, providing primary education, contribution to infrastructure development like course and high-w ays and addressing environmental concerns. This is more relevant for a country likeBangladesh where the government interventions in these fields increase by corporate alliance can go a long way in developing the economy, society and environment.Problems of IHPLIHPL faces generally two types of problems. They may be internal or external problems.Internal Problems undermanned training and development program. Poor investment in research and development. Lack of infrastructural development of the organization. Have no own power supply system. High turnover rate of the organization. Have no local supply of raw material. External Problems Political instability in Bangladesh. Increasing inflation Corruption in the port. extended process for exporting of the goods. Economic factors Exchange rate fluctuation, trade policy, trade relation with other country, tax rate, tariff and others non-tariff barriers Non-availability and non-frequency of transportation. Other Cultural differe nces like working attitudes, language, education and dexterity etc. Lack of proper supply of gas, water, electricity and so on. Labor union causes a lot of problems in case of export oriented organization.RecommendationSome recommended suggestions are given below Continuous quality improvement concept should be applied for the improvement of the quality of the product. Investment in research and development has to extend to induct a new idea. IHPL should provide adequate incentive, salary, bonuses and non-financial facilities to reduce the high turnover rate. IHPL should try to produce raw material in production country. IHPL should introduce the updated technology in the production to increase productivity. IHPL should think thepossibilities of sells its products in Bangladesh. IHPL should introduce the housing facilities for the employees. IHPL should try to apply JIT concept in the inventory system. IHPL should try its best to understate the lead time of the shipment o f hand gloves. IHPL should be more social responsible and environment friendly company.CONCLUSIONBy Observing the above discussion we can concludes that the company has been maintaining excellent performance since its beginning. This is the royal of the company that it never incurred a loss since 2010 to 2012. The overall performance of accounting, management, and cost systems of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. is to some extend conventional issue. The products of the company have wide market demand all over the world. The company earns a lot of foreign exchange which plays an important role in our national economy. Industrial Hand Protection Ltd will be the role model for export oriented industry sector within few years. Because of its quality product, uniqueness of their product, export volume and so on. One of the main problem is that IHPL uses automated machineries which hamper targeted production in case of electricity disruption. It imports all raw materials but it some times faced problems due to time limitation. If IHPL can overcome its drawbacks it will increase a large extent the volume of profit.Since this company is established in CEPZ area they have to maintain all the rules and regulations provided by the BEPZA. So the authority can not enjoy freedom of taking decision. Their turnover rate is kind of high, it needs to be checked. If it does not take initiative to improve this situation it will face difficulties because they have several competitors outside the country.The production capacity of IHPL is limited because of their limited area. So this need to be considered by concerned authority . By analyzing sales trend and financial statement, profit and production diagram of IHPL, we can saythat the overall performance of IHPL is satisfactory. It never incurs losses since its beginning. We also know that it is a newly established company. We hope Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. will carry out its production process smoothly by removing its so me silly drawbacks.ReferenceElectronic WorksMr.A.K.M.Arif Mohin UddinManager Admin & Personnel.Mr.Akbar HaqqaniDeputy General Manager (DGM)Country Head in BangladeshMr Adnan PeerzadaDeputy Manager.Department of Finance and Commercial.Senging pointLoad point linerBobblingShip IndustrySportsRoad ConstructionSteel Industry.Fashion IndustryHeat ResistanceChemical Industry.JourneyMr.Shihab Uddin KhanHR officer.anceChemical Industry.JourneyMr.Shihab Uddin KhanHR officer.Quality serviceQuality CustomerPriceQualityValuable customerManufactureManMachineMaterialmoneyDirect saleFormal RelationInterdepende-ncyMertocracyTTrustCare For OthersEthicsTeam workStrengthWeakness Unskilled labor Inexperience Poor industry environment Lack of local demand Lack of infrastructural development. Fresh Environment Higher Productivity of worker. Availability of labor Effective quislingism among employees. Effective and efficient labor supply Participative management system Unbalance market distribution Lack o f energy Floating worker Devaluation High turnover rate Political instability Long lead time to export Emerging market Research and Development Established plan Building commitment Growing demand Vast labor force with labor costThreatsOpportunitySpinningPre-Jelling gloriole flowShoweringStampingPackagingFinished GoodsOvenLinerDrying checkLoad pointMethanolDeepingPre-JellingEvaporation naiant JellingOvenPackagingStampingFinished GoodsWhat is expected?The way it is expected to develop.What has been achieved?The way it has been achieved.High PerformanceAbsenteeism in partTurnover in percentMonth in 2012.January19.46%9.56%February15.257.738.00March15.4519.238.43April12.008.00MaySatisfactionFactorsDissatisfactionFactors Shortage of holidays kickoff medical allowance Long working hours Improper assistance from production. Lack of incentives Organizational environment transferee problem in case of long distance Discipline Cooperation between staff and office employees well-timed salar y payment Freedom to work Basis of future platform Learning and participating nutrition and transportation facilityInitial ScreeningEmployment TestsCompleting Application FormComprehensive queryBackground InvestigationConditional Job OfferMedical or Physical Test everlasting job OfferScreeningCollecting PeopleTalk PersonallySelection by Engineers necessitate Effective Worker
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