Thursday, May 30, 2019

Poes Fall of The House of Usher Essays: A Perspective :: Fall House Usher Essays

The Fall of The House of Usher      The Fall of The House of Usher is an eerie, imaginative story. The ref is captured by the twisted reality. Many things in the story are unclear to the reader but no less interesting. For instance, even the conclusion of the story lends it self-importance to argument. Did the house of Usher truly fall? Or, is this event simply symbolism? In either case, it makes a dramatic conclusion. Also dramatic is the development of the certain house. It seems to take on a life of its own. The house is painted with mystery. The narrator himself comments on the discerning properties of the aged house What was it, I paused to think, what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the house of Usher (54)? The house is further developed in the narrators references to the house. ...In this mansion of gloom (55). Even the surrounds serve the purpose. The narrator describes the landscape surrounding as having, ... an atmosphere which had no affinity with the air of heaven, but which had reeked up from the decayed trees, and the gray wall, and the silent tarn a pestilent and mystic vapor, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and arduous hued (55). This fantastic imagery sets the mood of the twisted events. Roderick Usher complements the forbidding surroundings terrifically. His temperament is declining and he seems incessantly agitated and nervous. And, as it turns out, Rodericks fears are valid. For soon enough, originally his weakening eyes, stands the Lady Madeline of Usher. This shocking twist in the story is developed through the book that the narrator is reading. The last line that he reads is, Madman I tell you that she now stands without the door (66) Without suspecting such an event, the reader soon finds Lady Madeline actually standing at the door. She is described as having, ...blood on her white robes, and the narrate of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame (66). This line not o nly induces terror but invites debate. Upon seeing the woman the reader has to consider the cause of her death.

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